Our Gift to You

You and your team have unlimited access to our online course catalog through the New Year. Sign up now to take advantage of all our classes and share with your colleagues! No obligation and no credit card required.

Wishing you a great holiday season and a happy New Year!

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Our holiday promotion has ended, but you can still take a 7 day free trial.

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Why Construx OnDemand?

Now every software team can benefit from Construx’s world-class expertise with readily accessible online courses. Learn the skills that the top performing teams in the world use.

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Built for teams

What could your team do if they were all on the same page with their development approaches? The answer is a lot more than they currently do.

The best software teams work differently.

Discover the secrets of great software teams

True Experts

Expertise informed by experience. Instructors at Construx are full time employees hand picked by Steve McConnell, renowned author of Code Complete.

You and the team will learn from the best in the industry at what they do.

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Resources galore

Go beyond video learning and fine tune skills with downloadable job aids, resources, course workbooks, and facilitator guides.

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Empowering these software teams

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Construx?

Construx has been teaching companies the best practices for making software teams successful and efficient for over 20 years. We’re devoted to mastering these concepts and ideas and spreading them so that every software project can be successful. Our founder is Steve McConnell, one of the most well respected authors (Code Complete, etc) in the software industry.

What courses will I have access to?

All of them. We are continually adding new courses and updated content to the OnDemand catalog.

How does the free gift work?

Create an account and you’ll have instant access to our entire OnDemand catalog. No credit card required. Navigate to any course you find interesting and start learning. You’ll have access now through the new year to try any courses you’d like.

What if I have a question not answered here?

We’ll be happy to get in touch. Our sales staff are friendly, knowledgeable and passionate about finding the right training for your specific situation. Contact us today and we’ll connect soon.

Ready to start learning?