Product Life Cycle Review

Your organization has changed since your PLC (Product Life Cycle) was originally developed. It still provides important structure, but in some ways it seems to be undermining your ability to achieve your goals. Construx can help you pinpoint problems with a targeted PLC review. Drawing on reviews with numerous other companies, we cut through the complexities to create an efficient PLC that balances effectiveness with oversight and supports the objectives of all sides of the business.

Software Development Questions

Questions and Issues

  • Our PLC originated on the hardware side of our business. As software has grown, it seems to be mismatched to our software organization. What can we do to support all sides of the business?
  • Our PLC was built when we were a waterfall shop; now we’re using Agile development. How do we reconcile the two?
  • We have a PLC in place but our track record with on-time delivery is terrible. How can our PLC better support our need for predictability, control, and effective governance?


Software Consulting Solution

Typical Solution

  • Survey staff across your organization to understand specific strengths and weaknesses of the current PLC.
  • Assess your PLC vs. your actual software development processes–gain understanding of where they fit together and where they don’t.
  • Conduct in-depth onsite interviews with select personnel including senior management, technical staff, product management, and individual contributors.
  • Work together to draft actionable recommendations to achieve your business goals.
  • Present our findings and recommendations onsite to executives, management, and staff, as needed.


Software Consulting Results

Results You Can Expect

  • Identification of gaps and impediments in the current PLC.
  • Prioritized PLC changes needed to achieve your business goals.
  • A roadmap for the PLC changes.